After a two-year break, Slovenian bankers met again in June 2022 at the 28th annual sports games. This time they competed in as many as twelve disciplines, separately men's and women's teams. Individual disciplines had separate game systems and their winners were determined based on the best results of individual scoring rules. The overall winner among the banks was determined based on the highest number of points obtained.
The Gora team provided information support for the registration of competitors, teams, and other participants, as well as for the results management competition itself. The dedicated web application Igris provided all participants with an overview of competition draws, schedules of individual matches and their results. This year's novelty was the entry of results via mobile phones at the locations of matches and the automatic import of timer results from excel files. All participants in the games, as well as fans who stayed at home, were able to follow the results on a special website, without the need to pre-register or download the application.