Modern CORE banking with Oracle FLEXCUBE



CORE banking system that is optimized to take advantage of new technologies, new approaches to application management

and easily supports the growing demands and expectations of the market in banking industry.


Smarter banking solutions




  • Build, expand, and scale offerings

Accelerate time-to-market and efficiently roll out tailor made offerings.

  • Comprehensive product portfolio

Quickly launch and manage a range of products across deposits, lending, and microverticals like microfinance, and financial inclusion.

  • Centralized product administration

Easily manage large portfolios of products and offerings and scale efficiently across the banking enterprise.

  • Extensive parameterization, multiple localizations

Design and customize tailor-made products and offerings for customers and markets.

  • Relationship based pricing

Roll out customized and enticing pricing options for products and offerings.




  • Adapt to evolving business dynamics

Capitalize on evolving customer needs and business requirements.

  • Predefined and configurable workflows

Quickly roll out, realign, or tweak processes in tune to evolving requirements and opportunities.

  • Extensible business logic

Easily adapt to diverse customer needs and business and regulatory requirements.

  • Comprehensive insights

Enhance operational decision-making with insights at a customer, branch, business, or enterprise level.




  • Open up the bank to new opportunities

Streamline interoperability and connectivity within the bank and externally with partners and ecosystems.

  • Externalized business services

Build innovative products and services and extend distribution and offerings.

  • 1600+ REST API library

Simplify and speed up secure integration with third-party firms, value chains, and ecosystems.

  • Integration hub

Streamline and simplify integration with other systems within the bank.

  • SAML 2.0, ISO 20022, and REST/XML/ASCII-compliant

Drive efficient integrations with a standards-based architecture.




  • Leverage built-in innovation to improve operations and performance

Optimize banking operations, lower costs, and explore new operating models.

  • Multi-entity, multi-tenancy, multi-country

Drive operational flexibility across the banking enterprise and geographies.

  • Open architecture

Efficiently expand, diversify, and scale business lines and operations.

  • Out-of-the-box compliance and localizations

Streamline compliance to global, regional, or country-specific regulations and requirements.


Core Banking Made for Tomorrow—Oracle FLEXCUBE

Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking


Unified off-the-shelf system designed for comprehensive performance of all banking functions.

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