30 Years of Dedication to the Sports Games of Slovenian Banks

In early June 2024, the jubilee 30th sports games of Slovenian banks took place, a traditional event that annually brings together banking employees from all over Slovenia. The event organizer, the Bank Association of Slovenia, attracted more than 1300 participants this time, who competed in various sports disciplines, demonstrating remarkable sportsmanship and camaraderie.


The sports competitions, as usual, spanned two days across nine different venues and included 13 different disciplines, with the highest participation in football, basketball, volleyball, air-gun shooting, bowling, running, and swimming. The event was supported by an excellent team from the company Gora, ensuring that the IT execution of the event ran smoothly, with all results accurately recorded and immediately available to competitors and participants.


The statistics for the ŠIBS 2024 competition are impressive:

- Competition days: 2

- Venues: 9

- Competition disciplines: 13

- Participating banks: 15

- Registered teams: 253

- Matches played: 329

- Competitors: 1000+


Jasna Faletič, former director of the company Gora, who has been involved in organizing the sports games f Slovenian banks for 25 years, recalls the times when information technology was much less involved in the event. "When we at Gora started providing IT support for this competition in 1999, there was a lot of manual work, and due to the short time frames for preparing the final results, it was very demanding and stressful work. We collected the results based on the records of individual matches in the halls, entered them manually into tables, summed them up, then checked the totals, and finally, the results were posted on a bulletin board in front of the information center. Today, everything is digitized, from team registrations, competition draws, to recording results, which allows for smoother and more efficient execution. For our small team in the field, everything happens very quickly, as the entire competitive part is completed in less than twenty hours," said Faletič. "In the beginning, we had challenges with the accuracy and speed of result processing, but now we have a web portal where all information is verified by the control team and all results are accessible to competitors and fans in real-time."


Faletič highlighted how the event has evolved over the years and how her role has grown from a competitor to a key member of the technical organizational team. "Now, younger colleagues are taking over the execution, but I am proud to still be part of this team and that together we can contribute to improving the organization of this event. You can see how IT technology improves the overall experience for all participants."


The event, as usual, concluded with a solemn awards ceremony for the best teams and individuals.